Town Court
Town court is held at the Municial Building every third Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. The City Judge is Derek Green.
Paying by debit/credit card chargers a fee of 3.05%

Englewood Municipal Court accepts credit/debit payments for citations. Visa/MasterCard/Discover
Englewood Court Clerk
(423)887-7754 Phone
(423)887-7715 Fax
111 South Niota Road
P.O. Box 150
Englewood, TN 37329
With every citation there is $130.00 cost and $50.00 per violation meaning a citation with one violation is $180.00 with the exception of speeding, seatbelt or tag light violation. If you are cited for a seatbelt violation the cost is $25.00 for the first offense, subsequent offenses are $50.00. A tag light violation is $10.00. Speeding violations have a $50.00 fine plus cost. The cost is determined by the speed you were traveling.
0-14 mph over $130.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…… $180.00
15-19 mph over $175.00 cost plus $50.00 fine …... $225.00
20-29 mph over $210.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…... $260.00
30+ mph over $250.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…… $300.00
When making a payment online ONLY ENTER THE LAST FIVE NUMBERS OF THE CITATION NUMBER or choose the miscellaneous option to enter the entire number. The citation number can be found in the middle of the page in the violation bracket. EXAMPLE: 103A01234 ONLY ENTER (01234)
1. Your citation number will be found in the violation bracket in the middle of the page. Example: 103A12345
2. You may post a bond, which means pay the citation before the court date and not have to appear in court. A payment can be made at the Englewood City Hall located at 111 S. Niota Rd. 8:00-4:30 Mon.-Fri. (exception of holidays), mail a payment to P.O Box 150, or pay online at www.townofenglewood.com When paying online, only use the last five digits of the citation number (12345). Make checks payable to: Englewood Police Department
3. You may appear in Municipal Court on your assigned court date located at 35 Carroll Road to explain to the Judge any circumstances that you feel is in your favor. The Municipal Building is located in the same building as the Public Library and Fire Department. It will not cost you anymore than the set amount on the citation to appear in court. Your assigned court date can be found in the court bracket at the bottom of the citation.
4. If you wish to plead not guilty and contest the matter you must notify the Court Clerk 7 days prior to the assigned court date to be put on the hearing docket.
5. If you wish to complete a defensive driving school you may appear in court on the assigned court date and ask the Judge for permission to attend or send an email to courtclerk@townofenglewood.com asking for permission to attend. If you have attended a driving school within the last 3 years or have a commercial driver license you are NOT eligible to attend. By attending a four-hour driving school, the citation may be dismissed upon court cost and sent in as a dismissal therefore, will keep the points from going on your license. Do not pay the citation if you are interested in the driving school until you have been granted permission and instructed on how to proceed.
6. If you received a citation for no proof of insurance you may provide that proof in person at the Englewood City Hall, by fax at (423)887-7715 or by email courtclerk@townofenglewood.com. PLEASE CALL AND CONFIRM WE RECEIVED THE PROOF BEFORE THE ASSIGNED COURT DATE If you did not have VALID insurance at the time of the traffic stop THE CITATION CAN NOT BE DISMISSED.
7. If you need to provide proof to the Judge for any other violation such as registration, address change, window tint, light law, etc. you or someone representing you must appear in court to provide this proof.
8. When your case is complete, a record of your violation will be forwarded to the Tennessee Department of Safety as required by law.
9. If you fail to pay your citation or fail to appear in court your citation is forwarded to the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security as a Fail to Appear where you will then have to comply with them regarding any additional reinstatement fees after paying the citation through Englewood Municipal Court.
10. With every citation there is $130.00 cost and $50.00 per violation meaning a citation with one violation is $180.00 with the exception of speeding, seatbelt, hands free or tag light violation. If you are cited for a seatbelt violation the cost is $25.00 for the first offense, subsequent offenses are $50.00. A tag light violation is $10.00. Hands free violations are $50.00 for the first offense with no cost associated.
Speeding violations have a $50.00 fine plus cost. The cost is determined by the speed you were traveling.
0-14 mph over $130.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…… $180.00
15-19 mph over $175.00 cost plus $50.00 fine …... $225.00
20-29 mph over $210.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…... $260.00
30+ mph over $250.00 cost plus $50.00 fine…… $300.00

For more information Email the Englewood Court Clerk.

Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I reset my court date?
- Yes, I can reset your court date once prior to your court date. If your need any more time it will have to be done by the judge on your next court date.
- Do I still have to pay for my citation if i complete the driving school?
- Yes, your fine and costs are still due to the city for your citation. Driving School is something that we offer to you, but is not affiliated with us. It is a option that you may or may not take.
- Whom do I call if I need special assistance for court (ex: interpreter, disability,etc.)?
- Local A.D.A. Coordinator Patty Gaines (423)745-1281.
- What happens if I don't pay my citation on time?
- I will be forced to suspend your driving privileges and/or possible warrants for your arrest may be issued.
- Can I make Payments toward my fine and cost?
- No we do not accept partial payments.
- Can I pay the citation before court date?
- Yes, you can pay your citation before court and do not have to appear unless you are asked otherwise by the officer whom wrote the citation.
- Do I still have to pay court cost if I pay the citation before court?
- Yes, cost is included in the amount of your fine and cost.
- How do I resolve my citation if it already went to the state?
- First you will pay your fine and cost for the citation. Then I will give you a cash receipt and/or a court action report receipt. You must have the copy if you go to the Department of Safety. Last I will also send the state a court action report withdrawal form or submit online. Then you must contact the Department of Safety to see if you owe them anything such as a reinstatement fee. The number is (615) 741-3954 or 1-866-903-7357. The fax number is (615) 253-2094.
- Where do I send the money for the citation and what form?
- Our address is Town of Englewood P.O. Box 150 Englewood, TN. 37329. We prefer money orders or cashiers checks. We only accept cash if you come in our office to pay. Note* Any and all returned checks will result in immediate suspension. If not picked up within 10 days warrants will be issued.