Gas Valve Rule Change.pdfUtilities/Natural Gas
- Please remember to call 811 before you dig to ensure that you do not accidentally puncture gas, water, electric, phone or cable lines.
- If you smell natural gas call Etowah Utilities at 423-263-9441or call Dispatch at (423) 745-3222. Natural gas is odorless therefore we add an odorant which smells like rotten eggs. If you ever smell this odor please open windows or doors and go outside. Call them from a neighbor’s house, do not turn any electrical switches on or off and please do not have any source of flame which could create any source of combustion.
- Natural Gas Public Awareness Notice

For after hour water/sewer emergencies call our online maintance crew at 423-333-4661.

Need Energy Assistance?
Southeast Tennessee Human Resource Agency (SETHRA) may be able to help. SETHRA provides public transportation, emergency rent, utility assistance, weatherization assistance, low income heat assistance, commodities and emergency aid as funding permits. The transportation is provided to the public regardless of their income. All other services are designed for low income households. SETHRA is state and federally funded. Visit the SETHRA Website.